Plumbing the Depths of the Gen-Z Workforce

Plumbing, like many of the trades, is staring down the pipe of a huge labor shortage. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics tells us there is now and will be an average of 42,600 job openings for plumbers, pipefitters and steamfitters each year until 2032.

For you, it means you may be dealing with all the headaches that come from being shorthanded. For customers, it means longer wait times to get their toilets fixed and pipes replaced. For the economy? The impact is significant, in the billions.

The reason for the shortage is a familiar problem to plumbing and many other industries. Your older, experienced pros are retiring and there’s a dwindling number of younger people to take their place. Fueled by the pandemic and the Great Resignation that grew out of it, younger people are choosing gig jobs, quality of life and leisure over working 9-to-5, and scaling down their lifestyles to accommodate that.

But… not all young people feel that way. There is a new pool of prospective plumbers out there, and they’re being drawn to the trades rather than opting for a four-year degree. We’re talking about Gen Z.

Who is this new generation?

Born between 1997 and 2012, this generation is digitally savvy and socially aware. They grew up during the pandemic, the era of George Floyd and divisive politics. These young people value balancing work and life, and prioritize career growth and job satisfaction. And, word is, they’re shrugging at the thought of getting a four-year degree and opting for skills training instead.

Attracting Gen Z

So, how do you reach out to this new generation?  Here are some tactics.

Optimize your website for cell phones. This is the first step. Gen Z is more digitally native, or tech savvy, than any generation before it. It means they expect everything in life to be available in the palms of their hands – on an app on their phone. That’s where they do it all, from applying for a mortgage to reading a novel to managing their healthcare to getting a ride downtown. For you, it means your website needs to be optimized to look good on that small screen. If you don’t, you’ll seem awfully outdated and old to these young kids.

Get on the job apps and social media. Gen Z is going to look first at job apps like Indeed and Career Builder. Advertise job openings there, with a link back to your website. Also, take advantage of social media platforms like Tik Tok by posting plumbing hacks and other videos that offer a look into the life of a plumber.

Emphasize independence. In the plumbing trades, you’re not cooped up in an office all day. There’s very little paper pushing. Showcase how your employees work on their own (when properly trained) or with a partner out in the field, and how that independence will help them grow not only as plumbers, but as people.

Highlight problem solving. Every plumber knows that each situation you encounter out there in the field might require some detective work, problem solving and savvy. Gen Z loves a job where their mind is engaged and active.

Explain how plumbing is green! Replacing old lead pipes with copper or PEX results in not just better water flow, but healthier water for a household. Installing whole-home water filtration can ramp that up even more. Cleaning main drains once each year prevents backups that can spill over and contaminate ground water, rivers and streams. Social issues like climate change are important to this generation, and the feeling they’re contributing to the greater good is huge.

Outline a path of job growth, development and advancement. Like many trades, plumbing has a distinct career path from apprentice to master plumber and beyond. Possibilities exist to learn skills and even start one’s own business.

Partner with trade schools. As the Wall Street Journal recently noted, Gen Z is looking at trade schools rather than traditional four-year degrees. So, a trade school is a pipeline for new employees. Developing a partnership, sponsoring a career fair, arranging to speak to classes – all of that helps you recruit bright, young plumbers. You can also flip this on its head by directly recruiting people who don’t have that trade school education and paying for them to learn what they need to know.

Attracting Gen Z means understanding where these kids are coming from and speaking to them in language they understand. Mastering that, you’ll have a solid stream of employees.

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